Brainwork Technologies

Will Link Building Survive After Guest Blogging Catastrophe?

If you were relying on guest blogging to gain quality links until now, then you should beware of Google’s dangerous animals, Penguin and Panda.
In a recent blog, Matt Cutt clearly said “Okay, I’m calling it: if you’re using guest blogging as a way to gain links in 2014, you should probably stop. Why? Because over time it’s become a more and more spammy practice and if you’re doing a lot of guest blogging then you’re hanging out with really bad company.” It’s very clear from his blog that Google is currently viewing guest posting as spammy.
However, this doesn’t mean that guest blogging will end altogether. Some great multi-author blogs will continue to be enriching and enlightening for the readers, and guest posts that are not meant for SEO purposes. However, what is currently the biggest concern of online marketers is what would happen to link building now that guest blogging, another link building tactic, has been devalued.
Many link building methods that worked well till recent years are now on Google’s hit list. Google wants everyone to focus on content rather than building links. But what if one can earn link… yes it can boost your online marketing campaign!
This can easily be done by using quality content, which Google loves, as a base for implementing link earning tactics, mainly through integrated online marketing. Any promotional tactic including social media, paid advertising, community forums or organic promotion can’t work without high quality and authoritative content. Creating qualitative content and sharing it with target audience who will share it, will bring links naturally.
You can connect with influential people, and share their views by mentioning their name in your blog, publishing their interviews etc., and attributing your content. Infographics is also a great way to generate interest in your content and make it sharable. You can also use paid social ads on social networking and promotional sites including Twitter, Reddit, and Stumbleupon to promote your content. Last and the most important of all, share it on Google Plus, a sure shot way to get promoted.
Use these, content cum online marketing strategies to earn links. You can still continue guest blogging, as long as it is legitimate and you’re willing to share your knowledge!

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