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Google rolling out more features for responsive search ads, adding 10 languages

Responsive search ads are a dynamic combination of descriptions and headlines which help reach out to target consumers and Google has added new features to the same. RSA is important for every advertiser and the addition of new features show that Google lays prominent importance on the same. Google has rolled out four reporting as well as new feedback tools for responsive search ads. These features will make a strong impact on your ad searches. Details about the new features are listed below.

  • There will be suggested descriptions and headlines which will create new responsive search ads and it will roll out in English at the beginning followed by other languages.
  • In order to make it easier to create responsive ad searches, Google will also start importing the headlines as well as descriptions from the existing texts ads in an ad group and it will be rolled out in the coming months.
  • You will be able to add beyond the minimal descriptions and headlines in order to increase your score. The ad strength dial will update in real time.
  • You can view the ad strength updates in your Status column under the UI so as to see if the ads are disapproved or whether you are losing impressions.

The features show that responsive search ads are here to stay and will continue to make an impact in your marketing plan. Google will continue to make investment in this format and the tools, which shows that advertisers should embrace the same at the earliest. If you move early, you will be able to see the best results by experimenting with different features. Responsive search ads are available in Turkish, Danish, Norwegian, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Japanese, Polish and Russian.

The Effect of Google Algorithms on Marketing

The Effect of Google Algorithms on Marketing

Without a doubt, Google is one of the most popular search engines in the world, and that is why it comes as no surprise that almost anyone who has a website wants to feature high here. However, at Google innovation is the name of the game, which is why there are constant changes in the existing algorithms that it uses. However, these changes often wreak havoc on the strategies established by other companies.

Here’s a look at how a simple change in Google’s algorithms can affect your website:

  • Your website might suddenly start looking obsolete and all your SEO strategies might go down the drain.
  • Your entire website design might suddenly seem out of place.
  • While all this time, your website used to rank high on Google, now it has gotten pushed to the back of the line.
  • The content which was considered really good and keyword maximised, is now not as effective as it was.

The knowledge of certain basic factors should make things easier for you:

  • All the information that you have is still valid and credible. Only certain fundamental basics have changed and what you knew has become slightly more amplified. While certain links might have to be removed altogether, certain will only have to be tweaked.
  • Marketing using good content will always be important, especially in the days to come. So, if you don’t have an in-house content development and management team, perhaps it is time to get one! It would not harm you to have some guest bloggers on your site, who will keep the general public updated, even if your in-house team does not!
  • There is no denying that the social media is growing and will continue to rise at a rapid pace. If you are not on the train yet, it would be best that you do it, as soon as possible.
  • Gone are the days, when marketing was done only via the internet, because today, it has moved to a larger arena. It is important to offer mobile marketing and apps that are mobile friendly as well.

While everyone is in a constant scramble, as to ensure that despite the changes made by the Google team, their website stays on top, there are some things that are in your hands. By taking a few simple steps, there are steps that you can take, to ensure you stay that one step ahead!

  • It would be best that you hire a professional or a team to handle your website and all the requirements associated with it. While your team might be good, a professional team will know how to tackle issues, much better.
  • There will be financial expenditures and you need to be prepared for it. This could include expenses incurred for pay per click advertising, social media marketing or something as simple as getting new content developed.
  • Your website should include information that is absolutely current and ever changing with the emerging trends of the domain. It would be good to include reviews from clients as well as positive testimonials.